The Baluch community...

The Baluch people live in a mountainous region with a harsh climate. Although this may imply poverty, it may also be the possibility to help them preserving their culture.
Around 12,000 children from Baluchistan are malnourished in spring 2022 (Source: ISNA). This count only includes children with government identification - many do not receive such ID.
Photo source: Pinterest

Baluches are organised into tribes made up of clans. The nomadic way of life was central to their culture right into the 20th century, when the sedentary way of life prevailed (source: Atlas of Humanity). Their villages consist of made mud-bricks or stone houses.

Photo source: Somiriahi
Many still live in tents. Their tents are black and made of goat hair. It protects against heat, rain, and in the meantime, winter cold.
Photo source: Thebalochistanpost
Other typical tents are made of palm leaves and palm wood.
The wooden structures remain when the families move on.

Photo source: Melliun
So their economy consists of raising camels, cattle, sheep and goats where no agricultural farming is possible.
The Baluch people produce high quality carpets and embroidery, as in other regions of Iran. Since many families live in poverty, child labor is typical.

Photo source: Shoaresal